Sunday, December 24, 2017

Saving a JWplayer 7.12.11 Video Stream

I ran into a little struggle trying to save a live stream web video that was utilizing the JWplayer 7.12.11. I tried every chrome and firefox downloader add in and came up empty handed. Through digging and looking I discovered that it was using a m3u8 playlist to manage the video file fragments. 

Website with video stream I was trying to save:

 1. use firefox, developer tools to find the url to the actual page that has the JWplayer embedded, which was:

 2. download youtube-dl from

 3. ran command: youtube-dl -j

 4. look through the data and choose the appropriate manifest url that ended in .m3u8 which in my case was

 5. ran command: youtube-dl

 6. After letting it go until the content that I wsnted played, I pressed ctrl+c and renamed the xxxx.mp4.part file to xxxx.mp4

 7. Profit!

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