Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brain Toniq . . .

I just pulled the trigger on an order for Brain Toniq. I heard about it on Macbreak Weekly and Geekbrief TV.

I am not one to spend countless dollars on energy drinks or "vitamin" water. (I'm a coffee guy) However, I found a coupon code, and decided to get some purely for novelty value.

For the record:
1. I think that it is an extravagant wasteful purchase for my household income.
2. I am skeptical of its "smartening" effect

Check out the "brain toniq" song!

And if you are looking for something educational in this post: 10 things the food industry doesn't want you to know

We will see how it works when it gets here . . .

1 comment:

Michael McCready said...

Did it work? Can you beat "Zak and Wiki" now?

The 'educational' link didn't work...