I have an iPhone 3G in hand!
Here is how it went down:
9:00 PM: Arrived home from work. Was exhausted from long day. Fixed myself dinner.
10:30 PM: Headed off to bed. Tossed and turned.
11:00 PM: Beth (my wife) made it home from her jewelry party.
2:30 AM: alarm wakes me.
3:00 AM: Enroute to ATT Store
3:15 AM: Arrival at ATT Store. There was a group of approx 8 people there (some were just haging with friends). We added our names to the official unofficial list. We were number 7 & 8. I didn’t exactly know what to expect, as I had never done anything like this before.
4:00 AM: We decided to watch “Meet the Robinsons” on a mac book pro. I provided AC power with my inverter and Wifi intenet to others in line through my WinMo phone.
6:00 AM: One by one, other people started showing up. Total line count was approx 22.
6:30 AM: Store manager arrives.
7:00 AM: Store manager asks us to form an “official” single file line. There are approx 35 people in line. He also starts taking info on his clipboard, I.E. your name, which phone model, what plan, etc. It is at this point the realization hits that there might not be enough phones to supply demand. There was at least one person from the back of the line who was offering cash to switch places so he could get one of the 16 gb models. Rumors had circulated all morning that they only had 20 iPhones, but ATT would not give out any info.
7:50 AM: They start letting groups of 4 into the store.
8:10 AM: It is our turn!! We have a few moments to handle the display models while waiting on the next available rep.
8:40 AM: We both walk out of the ATT store, Beth with a 16G White, and I with a 16G Black iPhone!! The line had grown tremendously! It was huge!!. We had got 2 of the 4 remaining 16G models. Onve inside the store we learned that they received ten 16G models, and ten 8G models.
All in all, it was a good experience. Our phones activated fine, I guess it was before the activation system failures of the day. I am sure the Apple store experience was better. I think it was a bad move on Att’s part to withhold the number of the units at the store from the poor people waiting in line, just so they could get orders for direct shipment of the phone later to the customers. I think some people figured it out on their own and left the line at drive to the nearest apple store 2.5 hours away.
Oh, and BTW! I LOVE my iPhone 3g.
Please don’t hate me. Remember, it is only a phone.
I hate you.
I hate you, but not for the iPhone ;-)
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